“Day Hab” is a post-graduate day program for adults. Consumers spend their day within the limits of this specialized program, which provides programming to increase their capability and maximize their quality of life.
Consumers are encouraged to make independent choices regarding their lives-with responsibility and information. Consumers can pursue those activities which they have an interest in -they have the opportunity to choose from a proscribed curriculum. They are supported and can undertake tasks with varying degrees of independence. Each and every consumer served is assisted in as many daily living areas as is possible in order to improve self-esteem and to build a positive self-image.
The day hab program is based on two goals:
1. Consumers should be able to strive for an independent lifestyle, shouldering the responsibility for their health and well-being. Though limited, their understanding should be fully utilized and their daily routines normalized within set guidelines.
2. Consumers should maximize those skills and behaviors, which will enable them to improve the quality of their lives-and to participate in daily activities which foster independence and productivity as well as integration into the community.
Under the constant supervision of a select, professional staff, the Day Hab program focuses on the following: Consumers are taught to care for their basic needs and to perform simple daily tasks, consumers are instructed in communicative and interactive methodology with regard to society-at-large, and Hamaspik focuses on enhancing each consumer’s ability to be employable, at times allowing them to venture into the world-of-work independently and in other instances consumers are accompanied to the work-site by a mentor.